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Students Writing OSSLT
Published on Mar 22, 2017 16:06


The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) will be administered, across the province, on Thursday, March 30, 2017 to Grade 10 students and some Grade 11 and 12 students. All students who are working toward a secondary school diploma will be required to successfully complete the OSSLT as part of their diploma requirements. This test is designed to determine whether or not students have acquired the reading and writing skills that are essential for their success in high school and beyond. Students will participate in an in-school information session regarding the OSSLT. The entire test will be written in one day and will be made up of two 75-minute sessions. There will be a 15 minute break between sessions.

Support is available to students with special needs or students who are enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) or an English Literacy Development (ELD) credit courses. Under certain conditions, a student’s participation in the test may be deferred or a student may be exempted from the test. Please refer to several parent and student resources for details on the support that is available on the EQAO’s web site You can also get further information from your school.

Grade 10 homeroom teachers are currently providing these students with strategies, materials and classroom instruction related to reading and writing. In addition, we have also been running an after school OSSLT prep program which will help students prepare for the OSSLT.

In June, participating students will receive an Individual Student Report from EQAO to let them know whether or not they were successful on the test. Successful students and their parents will be reassured that these students are “on track” in their literacy skill development. Unsuccessful students will receive detailed feedback on their strengths and areas where they need to improve. This report will assist the school in providing the necessary help. Students who are unsuccessful on the test will have the opportunity to retake it during future administrations.

There are a variety of materials available to help students prepare for the OSSLT. At the EQAO web site under “Parents” or “Students” you will find the following important resources and more:
About the Assessment
Examples of the Assessment and Scoring Materials
Use the Results
You are invited to review these materials along with your son or daughter.

Your support is appreciated. Please try to reschedule any appointments that conflict with the test schedule. On the test day students should come to school on time, be well rested, and encouraged to do their best. We recognize that some students find testing stressful; however, there should be no surprises for students on this test. The school will provide information the students need and answer questions they may have before the test starts. Together, parents and teachers can create positive attitudes to promote student success.