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Exam Information and Exam Schedule
Published on Jan 9, 2019 10:34

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we approach the end of the first semester and our preparations for final exams are underway, please note that we encourage students to seek extra help when needed. Students are encouraged to talk with their subject teachers, Resource, Student Success and/or Guidance. Please review this document, STUDENT and Parent Examination Information at your earliest convenience.

Final exams are scheduled according to the Semester 1, Week 1 structure.
Click here for a detailed Exam Schedule.

Students currently enrolled in a semester one Grade 9 Math (Applied or Academic) will be writing their EQAO test on January 16
th and 17th.

During the exam period, students are required to be in full uniform. This applies not only to the time that students are writing the exam, but also to the entire time that they are on school premises. 

We wish all students the very best as they enter this important assessment time. We are aware that it can be a stressful process to prepare and write exams and because of this we remind you that we are here to support your child’s success. God bless and Good Luck as we wrap up our first semester!